Celebrate sweetly with the classic beauty of our Picnic Tulips. These captivating colors shine brightest during the sunniest months around fun birthdays, anniversaries, or just because.
Please Note:The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible.
Magnifica offers many unique colour variations. Expect to see a high variance all year round, including soft pinks and peach shades, solid purples and the purest whites. Other distinct variations include striped patterns (the petal’s veins!) or sporadic speckles.
Brighten someone's day with this vibrant bouquet! Pink and yellow tulips come together perfectly to make this lovely Spring bouquet! * Vase sold separately. *
Bring a pop of colour to any space with this meadow-inspired bouquet of lavish white and yellow daisies. This cheerful arrangement arrives fresh in a gift box. * Vase sold separately *
Show someone special just how much you cherish them with our gorgeous gathering of pink and white blooms. It’ll express all you have in your heart when words alone aren’t enough Designed by a Flowers Canada Local Florist This bouquet is Cat Friendly.
Magnificent is the only way to describe our all-pink bouquet. We’ve gathered one dozen long-stem roses with six, multi-bloomed Asiatic lilies for a gift that’s sure to make an impression.
LOCAL ARTISAN When it comes to letting her know she’s always on your mind, think pink and lavender. We’ve hand-gathered a romantic mix of pink and purple blooms to create a gorgeous, garden-inspired bouquet. Designed by expert florist in Flowers Canada , this beautiful bunch will remain a fond memory for a long time.
Here's a bright, colorful gift that has cheer written all over it! Our vibrant Gerber daisies are gathered together into a beautiful bouquet, so that you can deliver a bunch of smiles for life’s special celebrations or everyday moments. Designed By a Flowers Canada Florist
Brighten someone's day with this bright yellow sunflower bouquet! These cheerful, long-lasting sunflowers will are perfect for any occasion! This bouquet arrives pre arranged, to be placed directly into a vase. Just Add Water Vase Sold Separately
This Flowers Canada LOCAL ARTISAN Putting a bright start in somebody’s day starts with a beautiful gift. Our delightfully vibrant bouquet is filled with a medley of blooms in cheerful pops of orange, pink and yellow, with plenty of lush greenery mixed in. *vase not included*
Blossoming with bright beauty and a color palette that exudes charm and cheer at every turn, This bouquet of sunny colours will be that perfect gift for any of life's special moments. This bouquet arrives pre arranged, to be placed directly into the included vase ( If Purchased ) . Just add water.
Surprise her with this gorgeous hand-designed bouquet of roses, lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and more. You don't even need a reason--send it to say "just because I was thinking about you." Please note: our florists hand-design each arrangement, therefore colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability.This bouquet comes pre arranged to be placed in a vase. Vase sold separately
Brighten someone's day with this beautiful bouquet filled with purple and orange roses, hot pink gerbera daisies and green mums. This is a truly original arrangement that will bring happiness to anyone's day! This bouquet arrives pre arranged, to be placed directly into the included vase (if purchased). Just add water.
This beautiful pink, red and white bouquet of roses, lilies, gerbera daisies and alstroemeria is sure to please. Our florist's hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and containers may vary due to local availability. This bouquet comes pre arranged to be placed in a vase.
Bursting with exquisite colors and voluminous texture, the Breezy Meadows Bouquet brings the beauty of nature indoors, leaving your recipient feeling grounded and loved.
Celebrate new life with fresh spring colors and seasonal flowers. Our Florist Originals Bouquets are created by local florists using the finest quality flowers. The actual design you or your recipient will receive will be different from the images shown here.